RIFIL is the first public/private joint venture established with a Western partner, not only in Romania, but in the entire Communist bloc in Eastern Europe, and was founded on April 24, 1973 with the purpose of creating Italian-quality yarn through the collaboration between the Romanian government of the time and the most important group of yarn production in Italy.
The establishment of the Italian-Romanian joint venture RIFIL, a Romanian legal entity based in Săvineşti, Neamţ province, was approved - together with the company contract and the company’s articles of association - by the Decree No. 252 of the State Council of the Socialist Republic of Romania. The certificate of incorporation at the Ministry of Finance is dated May 14, 1973, and it certifies its state as a universal historical company by indicating the protocol number 1 of the country’s Business and Trade Registry.
The initial object of the partnership, stated in the decree, was the production and sale of colored and non-acrylic yarns, and the first plant started its activity with the recruitment of 400 employees.
The actual establishment certificate, consisting of the company contract, was signed by Valeriu Momanu, on behalf of the Romanian government and Emilio Falco representing the most important Italian yarn production group which still dominates the global industry, and which is the product of a centennial history and an international company strength, as well as the owner of the most famous yarn brands in the world, such as Folco and Lanerossi.
The official affiliates mentioned in the establishment certificate were the Chemical Fibers Industrial Plant of Săvinești (52%) and ROMALFA Spa of Biella (48%), owned by Emilio Falco and James Verzoletto, who were the leader in the production of acrylic yarn, and the pioneers of the industrial culture in the production of Italian yarns in the world, as well as manufacturers and exporters of high-quality Italian production and know-how since the beginning of 1900.
After almost 50 years, the history of Italian beauty and Romanian strength, founded by two pioneers in a state that believed in the capabilities of its people, continues and has consolidated becoming the best international group in the production of Italian-quality acrylic yarns and mixed wool.
The company directed by Luigi Bodo, director of RIFIL since 1973 and now President, after the Revolution of December 1989, became the first National, then European and now Global leader in the production of Italian-quality yarn, always participating in the public life, hiring more than 1000 workers throughout Romania with the acquisitions of other industry groups, and by building a unique model of quality social enterprise, with unrivaled performance in complying with all the aspects related to Welfare, the environment, and Health of Workers, producing beyond all doubt the best Italian-quality acrylic yarn and wool blends in the world.
The first step in the production of cotton yarns and the beginning of the association negotiations with the company MOLDOFIL SA Câmpulung Moldovenesc.
Establishment of the company ROMALFA SA Săvinesti, whose main activity is the sale of acrylic and mixed yarns.
Înfiinţarea societăţii ROMALFA SA Săvineşti, a cărei activitate principală este vânzarea de fire acrilice şi amestecate.
The new technologies introduced in both spinning and dyeing
allowed to start the production of acrylic and wool blends.
RIFIL SA acquires the majority share of FIRMELBO to increase the production of wool blend yarns produced according to the quality standards of the Italian brands Lanerossi and Folco.
RIFIL SA acquires the majority of FILATURA SA Buzău, a plant specializing in the production of balls of yarn for the production of knitwear and Home Tricotage
RIFIL SA transforms FILATURA SA into INDUSTRIA FILATI BUZAU, establishing a new company with INDUSTRIA ITALIANA FILATI and FILPUCCI Italia, creating the factory specialized in the production of patterned yarn for knitting and yarn for Home Tricotage.
RIFIL SA Contributes to the creation of the Astrico textile district the North-East as a result of the partnership carried out by the Association ASTRICO NORD-EST with the Regional Development Agency of the North-East, the Faculty of Textile, Leather and Industrial Management of the Technical University “Gheorghe Asachi” Iași and the National Institute of Research and Development for Leather Textiles of Bucharest.
RIFIL SA aquires ROLANA-TEX Botoșani, leader in the production of wool blend yarns for the most important Italian fashion groups.
To date, the RIFIL group led by Luigi Bodo (President) and Valerica Leonte (CEO) is a young Romanian company established almost 50 years ago that produces “Italy” and is constantly growing. It has 7 Factories all over the territory of Romania, it is one of the leading yarn manufacturers in Europe with a turnover of around 140 million, and it exports its quality yarn in Italy for the production of fabrics and knitwear for Fashion, Furniture, both Indoor and Outdoor, Atuomotive and many other industries all over the world, with thousands of satisfied customers, and it invests annually more than 10% of its turnover in industrial innovation, research and development, to continuously improve its quality and style of performance, innovating its production solutions from its own yarn by complying with the highest certification standards for the respect of the environment and the health of future generations.